Friday, 21 June 2013

Gardening in the Rain

I can't say I've ever been much of a gardener. I usually faked it in conversations and spoke of 'our garden' letting people assume I contributed something to it. To those close to me, though, I could reveal the truth, saying, 'I don't need to garden, I'm married to the Gardener.' Why ruin a good thing? My husband was used to caring for the yard. He trimmed the roses in the front, pruned the fruit trees he planted and planted a garden every year. Other excuses I used were that I disliked any kind of bug and believe me bugs are prevalent out there. I also didn't like to get dirty. (Is that a girl thing or just me?)

This year began on a different note. First of all, in the spring, I discovered Markus Rothkranz, whose lifestyle was one that I wanted to emulate, big time. This man went from almost dying on 4 occasions to becoming on of the healthiest guys around. One of the main lifestyle choices he made was to begin to eat only raw food. It was totally intimidating to me at first but I so wanted his level of health that I decided to make some changes myself. Part of the change entailed me eating a lot more raw vegetables and herbs and thus the whole interest in gardening.

I bought some potted herbs that I grew on the deck for awhile. From there, they went to a small plot in the vegetable garden that I nicknamed the herb garden. So today as the clouds continued to shower us with droplets of rain, I strolled out to the garden and began weeding. I discovered that weeds come out much easier if the ground is wet. Plus the sun isn't beating down on me making me sweaty, sluggish, and dehydrated. I quite enjoyed myself until the skies opened up and began to really pelt down the water. I didn't get it finished as I had hoped. I did vow, however, that next time it looked gloomy and wet during the summer, I'd probably drop all other tasks and head out to weed the garden.


Since I started writing this post, I got the news of how devastating the rains have been to many Southern Alberta communities since yesterday. This is a picture of the #1 Highway  at Canmore where we drive through every year on our way to visit my parents.

We had planned to take this route again in the next 10 days or so. My heart goes out to all those who have lost homes and possessions due to this flooding.

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