When today dawned, it was pretty much like any other day - a nice spring day in the middle of May - not too hot nor too cold. Why I picked today over many other days, I'm not sure but there is a time for everything and this is the time. Today I begin a new venture, that of blogging. It may seem odd that someone that has written more than 100 magazines articles for print and been involved of the production of many other magazines would not have been blogging before now. I've never been, however, someone who will quickly and easily embrace a new trend. I remember when CDs first came out (yup, I'm that old) and I scurried around trying to find the last of my favourite music on vinyl. I just couldn't fathom that what I had known as the 'record album' was being phased out of my life forever. So, usually, as something new comes on the scene, I'm the one on the sidelines watching to see if the enthusiasm will quickly fade or if the fad will evolve into a part of our lifestyle. That's when I make my decision to become involved or not. Thus, even though the computer has been my constant work companion for 23 years, today is the day we take on a new exploit.

Just a little about me…
- I'm from small town on the prairies where the weather is the most talked about subject by almost everyone, year-round. My heart still resides there, along with my parents and my brother.
- I'm also a wife and a mother of three boisterous boys.
My Husband, Gary & our 3 sons. |
- I have worked in the publishing industry for more than 2 decades both in writing as well as in the graphics end often taking magazines from pencil sketches to the camera ready stage.
- I like to play the piano and often do at church on Sundays.
- I like to collect things, including cars (real ones). I really like antiques and have them strategic placed throughout my house. I may show a few of the things I've collected in a future blog.
- I frequently research topics that interest me to the point where I have so much information that I'm exploding it to those who will take the time to listen to me. My friends know that when I say, "do want to hear the latest?" that they will be in for at least 20 minutes of non-stop info with the promise that I will fill them in on more later. It's not unlike me to read a book and then purchase 10 to 20 copies to distribute to my friends. I'm sure many of the topics will serve as fodder for upcoming blogs.
And finally, what about the title of my blog? Well, there can be a lot of activities going on in my life and often they end up happening all at once. I am very deadline driven and have been known to stay up 'til the wee hours finishing a project just moments before the cut-off point. But then, when it's all over and I sit down for a bit, I look around and think, what can I do? No, I never get to the stage where I'm actually bored but the thought has crossed my mind a time or two.
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